Friday 06th September 2013,

How to find a job that works for you

Mathy April 30, 2013 Comments Off

Don't let it own you!


Why I decided

to Own It!?

After my last CV workshop came to an end, many clients asked me if I would be running any other  training, on job-hunting. A training that was:

  •  Longer, Flexible, Affordable and Easy to access.

  • A program that will get you clued-up about the future of work.

  • A program that will not only focus on the basics of job hunting but give you a 2013 approach so that you can communicate better with potential employers.

  • A program that can personalise your experience on CVs and help you sell yourself a little  bit better.

  • A program that gives you more freetime


Don't let it own you tag

Whatever you do, don’t let the following get in

your way:




Your personal ACTIONS

get in the way of finding your next………………..



What is currently

standing in your way?

image A. Strakey

  • Normal methods of Jobhunting which make you feel, you have no control, or influence over your life

  • Too many people chasing too few vacancies – the numbers are stacked against you

  • You’ve tried every single job-hunting methods and you’ve now lost your motivation

  •  You feel your CV is still the biggest hurdle between you and that role




I’d like to show you How to find the job that works for youby helping you re-frame these areas:

  1. Action 

  2. Time

  3. Identity

  4. Circumstances

  5. Opportunities


 What you need to do…

take action



 This program  


Videos, Audio and download able Content which I will share with you every week. Not to mention a great facebook-group which will encourage peer mentoring between other job-hunters.


 But for the next two weeks is completely FREE if you REGISTER NOW


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