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Tag Archives: bullying

I quit, I travelled, I conquered

Japan 2008

Japan 2008

This book just fell on me in a book shop at the Southbank. I was in borders, I think at the time and as I picked it, up it said “Work your way around the world”

My curiosity compelled me to open it, so I did. This was the beginning of something I had been seeking for unknowingly. I had been thinking about traveling and going to Japan, America and Argentina for almost a year now.

Japan however was a place I had heard and dreamed about ever since I was a little girl. When my daddy traveled through his work he use to bring a lot of souvenirs and gifts from all over the world. From America’s to Asia. My favorite expedition stories were the one from Asia where there was a little country which was very powerful in mind but not in size and it was Japan. I had an uncle that went to live in Japan for two years, when I was about 13 years old and that just stirred up the desire inside of me. When the book fell on me, I knew it was fate.

Nihong Japan

But all I remember, was the frustration and infuriating pain that I was feeling having spoken to my dad, sister and friends, remembering them discouraging me. My older sister’s exact words was” You can’t go to Japan that’s too far!? What if there is an emergency and we need you here”. My older sister and rest of the family resides in France by the way. As though I could use my spare wings to fly to France whenever I felt. Besides, it’s not like a the fare is like the price of a one day travelcard. It was obvious they loved me but didn’t understand my place in life at the time.

I had just came out of a bullying situation in my previous workplace which I was still recovering from.  And when they paid me and offered me a generous bonus after I took off for stress, I had quiet a bit of money to play with.  But for some reason I felt the urge to tell my older sister of my plans. I wasn’t thinking properly at the time I suppose. So one year, later I have moved out of my old flat which I adored, moved in with my best friend and was now working a new job where I was managing and training volunteers.

I haven’t spoken about this story for a while but I thought it would be useful for one of my readers who recently asked me a number of questions on a comment he made the last week. The question around making tough decisions and traveling. I thought he might enjoy this story.

Here I am in a new Job which I really enjoy and I have somewhat moved up the ladder but I am slowly realizing, I will not last another year or even two. So what now? Well this calls for a private meeting with myself.  In the secrecy of my private thoughts. I begin to scheme and plan how I would quit this Job, go to Japan and conquer……….

If you want to hear the rest of the story, stay stunned for part II !!!

My Dream Land


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