Last week we spoke to Sylvie Rosanwo about ”how I made the Impossible, possible.” Being her own Boss, a mum, a sister and overcoming her own fear. This is Part 1. Tune in next week for Part 2. I’ve always been told that my ideas were interesting, out of the box and…unrealistic. However, when [...]
The Future of work and how Childs-play got me into the TEDXsquaremile Wed 26th, I entered a speaking competition with JCI, a personal development network, for those who are young at heart. I only found out at the last minute and spent 4 days rehearsing. There were originally 13 speakers for the main Tedx conference. [...]
October 8, 2012
Name- Inua Ellams Job Description – Word and Graphic Artist Currently-Self-employed Back in september I met this young vibrant young man by the name of Inua Ellams. This amazing encounter with 26-year-old man, left me asking myself and wondering a lot of questions. How does a young man develop so much zeal and entrepreneurial mind? [...]
November 10, 2011
Mathy 'Whathejobisthis' Lisika-Minsende
Achievements, Career Transition