Friday 18th May 2012,

Eavesdropping on the train


Once in awhile we can’t help but fall pray of eavesdropping on the train, that little green eyed monster who nags you to get involved.  It’s always one of those stories in which you wish you could capture the moment, and we couldn’t wait to share it with you.  I promise, it’s all strictly professional and career related. This is what our favourite eavesdropper (which we will not name) heard.

The Scene

So I was on my way home late last night and overheard this conversation.
Cast:    Arab guy        Setting:    Train Carriage
Malaysian guy          Station : I can’t tell you I’m on a mission

I was there trying to find my iPod, my bag had way too much stuff inside and it felt like rummaging through the recycling bin.  I wanted to finish listening to a podcast I had started on my way out and I was digging hard struggling to find it. Then these 2 guys hopped in the carriage.  They looked about late 20’s, well dressed as if they were heading home from a long day at work, travelling only a few stop.  I really didn’t want to listen but the conversation began to entice me and I turned on my personal satellite to listen. The subject of their discussion was about work and university. Me on the other hand, still struggling with my bag but listening intently.

image A. Strakey

The Conversation
AG:     my family keep insisting I go get a degree!
MG:     mine too, why do they do that?
AG:     I think they want me to get a better job…
MG:     or better money.
AG:     or both (laughs)
MG:     but what degree would you do?
AG:    I don’t know, you?
MG:     nah, me neither (laughs nervously)
AG:    It’s not so bad for me; most of my family have their own businesses, so I can pretty much choose any degree then take them my papers and say “give us a job” (cheeky grin)
MG:    seriously, though what do you want to do?
AG:    I have no idea, you?
MG:    me neither
SILENCE! 2 stops later they get off the train.
It got me thinking though.  Why do we allow our parents and peers to influence our career decision? And why would anyone want to spend that amount of time, and money, studying for something they might never need, and, most likely, will never use?

Why do so many people think a degree is still the way to succeed (whoop, whoop…I spelled succeed right for the first time ever, I’m dyslexic!) in the world of work?  How many successful people do you know of who have a degree in the field of their work?  Think about it!  Research it even! Answers on a postcard.

I hope you enjoyed that little bit of current affairs. This was the first in series on Eavesdropping on the train. If you like it leave a comment, like our post or come and join us and continue the conversation on twitter #eavesdroppingonthetrain, or facebookpage.

Disclaimer – For data protection purposes, we cannot reveal the identity of our  eavesdroppers or whereabouts.  So, if you hear a bizarre, or amazing story, or anything currently related to careers, why don’t you send us your very own eavesdropping scenario.We promise not to disclose any personal information names, height, place and anything else.

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About The Author

Blogger-Speaker-Employability & Career expert with a twinkle of fashion She has 12 years of undiluted knowledge of careers and employment and "tells it just the way it is". She has experienced a number of career transitions, in the past but felt tested from the loss of her father, and the loss of her job in 2011. This tottally transformed the way she sees careers and employment. It is no longer one job description but a combination.

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