Sunday 03rd February 2013,

In and Out Careers

Tom Church January 12, 2012 Career Transition No Comments

What’s it like to go in and out careers?

Pretty awful. You feel lost, confused, uncertain, depressed and anxious. What am I doing? What do I want? These are the questions people ask themselves when they go in and out careers. And you can’t really talk about it either, at least, not to your friends. It’s embarrassing, possibly painful (if your parents have spent a lot pushing you towards a certain field), but it doesn’t have to stay that way.

Tell It Like It Is is an event for people who are going in and out careers. Inspirational speakers tell their story of leaving their job, their lives in fact, and upping-sticks. It’s organised by What The Job Is This, and you need to come. 

The major concern of many people that quit their jobs is that they need to find another one to earn money. Don’t let that be your reason of getting another job. Don’t. That kind of thinking probably got you into the job you’re in now, or just quit from. You have to find a job that is right for you – That’s what we’re here for!

Learn from people who have gone in and out careers

This is an example of one speaker from Tell It Like It Is, our event. She left her professional job as a city solicitor to pursue more creative callings – and she made it work. You can leave your job. You can make a successful career transition. You can quit and you should if you have to!

You are not alone when going in and out careers

Within one hour of each other, the following people quit their job:

Immediate things you should do

Have you left your current environment in a while to spend some time on and for yourself? If not, do so. Go away. Read a book. Relax and take the weekend off. If you have kids, beg a friend to look after for them just for two days. You must at least get a sniff of what it means to have free, enjoyable time. Once you smell it, you’ll want more. And that’s the driving force behind your career transition. Going in and out careers is not easy, and you’ll need a lot of energy to accomplish it. So restore yourself, find yourself, remember yourself.

Once you’re past that point, and you’re ready to either find the inspiration, listen to others that have done it, or get help, just give Mathy a call. That’s the whole point of Wha The Job Is This – to help people like you go in and out careers.

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About The Author

Tom Church is the author of Communication Is The Key and advisor to Whathejobisthis. He graduated from University College London (UCL).

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