Tag Archives: Tell it like it is!!
I know YOu!
I know! You are all curious for me to tell you what happened at our last “Tell it like it is!” event Tuesday night and the good thing here is a little peak preview.
Posted in Storytelling and tagged Africafashionguide, Book Launch, career transition, Jacqui Shaw, Japan, Job centre, Malachi Talabi, Stories on careers, Tell it like it is!!, Toastmasters, Whathejobisthis. Bookmark the permalink.
Wow!! The storytelling night, you should have been at.
Delicious, Inspiring, Engaging, Lively. These are only some of the few words that can best describe our very first night of Storytelling. The quality of storytellers was simply amazing and divine you almost would have thought it was a networking event. The atmosphere was very chilled and relax, with a very engaging audience.
What happened earlier?
So the night before I couldn’t really sleep because I was way too excited. I kept waking up in the middle of the night to check if it was morning yet and it wasn’t. Just couldn’t wait for my next most exciting moment. Two hours before the event started I manged to leave the house on time forgetting the camcorder the first time and remembering just before I boarded the bus. I had to run back home, picked up the camcorder and this time left the folder I was holding in my hand. Once again when I left the house and got to the bus stop, I realised that something else was missing!! So I went home again. I felt like in my own personal sitcom.
The night was colored with a variety of storytellers from a business psychologist, Workshop facilitator, Teaching assistant, Editor and Support planner. As I read the feedback forms now I see the impact that took me three months of planning and contemplating. As they say nothing ventured nothing gained. One storyteller talked about; how she had realised she needed to leave her job the day she stopped smiling. This showed, she was no longer growing and learning and it was time to go.
The response was different for everyone some people didn’t know what to expect and yet it was a very positive feedback. It’s just what happens when you are exposed to something new and fresh.
“Having people tell their actual stories really brought the career transition cases to life”
“No, this was not what I expected, but that is a good thing”
“I look forward to the next event”
I could tell you more but I recommend you attend the next one or stay tuned for the audio and visual which was recorded on the day.
Tell it like it is!! is an extension of Whathejobisthis, a storytelling event which sees real career transitioners telling their stories to other transitioners or curious people in order to provide inspiration. This is done live in front of a recorded audience. This first event was hosted Wed 26th of July’s at the Blacksheep bar Crystal Palace. Watch out for part two!!!
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Posted in Uncategorized and tagged career transition, stories, Tell it like it is!!. Bookmark the permalink.