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Tag Archives: what can I do with me

How to raise money for a pilot project?

She's awkward!!

She's awkward!!

Discovering new grounds

Do you ever ask yourself these questions: I would love to do this but I don’t have the money?

It’s too hard and too complicated, I’m not sure where to go? Have you ever thought of maybe breaking it down? You know if you have an idea or a number of ideas like Moi, Breaking it down is the best way to start.

Eating an Elephant

It is a virtually impossible task, which requires a number of discipline.  In order to eat an elephant, you must do it one chunk at a time. You must ask yourself some very real and honest questions

What do I want to do?

Can I do it?

Do I have the appropriate resources and expertise?

Do I need to seek some or all the external resources?

Do I need anything to finance it?

So how much do I need?

Who would need to help me?

Where could I find the resources?

Don’t seat at home or at work and lounge around with untamed frustration, thinking of what you want to do. Simply because you are desperate, this shouldn’t unable you to best express and deliver those plans. It’s important to keep everything simple instead of winding yourself up about what you can and can’t do. This might be your chance.

My guilty pleasure

One of my favorite online series Awkward Black Girl is raising money . They’ve had six online series, sell t-shirt and now are running a promotional campaign to expand their series. Through the help of  they are hoping to raise $30,000 in the next 22 days of which $12,335 they have already raised. Kickstarter is the largest funding platforms for creative platforms in the world.

So if you are an artists, filmmakers, musicians, designers, writers, illustrators, explorers, curators, performers, Kick-starter will help you to play with your projects, events, and dreams to bring it to life. Never knew about it until now.

Every Kickstarter project must be fully funded before its time expires or no money changes hands.

1. It’s less risk for everyone.

2. It allows people to test concepts (or conditionally sell stuff) without risk.

3. It motivates. If people want to see a project come to life, they’re going to spread the word.

So Kickstarter is great but it’s very much an American platform. The good news is we have similar online platforms in the UK.   We have the following :

The rules are very similar but I recommend you check each website to get the right information. Well it might not be the best way for me to raise money for equipment at present but none the less it is very useful info for the future or for anyone else. I strongly encourage it.

Cost effective resources

Finally at one of the blogging event that I went to recently I discovered  a page called  It’s UK equivalent is called

A great place for you to buy or sell services from people for a certain skill or expertise they have for the rate of £5. It could be fall under the categories of funny and Bizarre, Social Marketing, Graphics, Advertising, Technology, Business, ….. You name it they might be able to provide it.

Have a look at these sites and tell me what you think


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