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Tag Archives: Whathejobisthis

Blinded by ambition- Why I need to maintain a balance

Image source

My evolution - Image source

So I’m excited about change but you must forgive me for not being able to keep you updated. I needed some time for reflection. It’s been pretty busy in my life and Whathejobisthis is evolving on it’s own.Three things that have been progressively on my mind one is Personal Branding, to Upgrading the blog, and surviving.

Personal branding

I’ve been asking myself and others about Personal Branding. I also had the pleasure of asking some of my tweet friends what they thought my brand was? Where do I fit in? I got some great responses.

This is what they said

“You sometimes struggle with what is thrown at you but make the best reflecting on what happened” Allie @allierambles

Improvement- Post more regularly and choose a template, website that best represent you.

“Strong, determined, beautiful , innovative, entrepreneurial and funny” Michele Rempel @michelrempel

Improvement – Revise your tag line to make the message clear

” Inspiring, vibrant, go-getter,unique and funky” Janine Ripper @neanster77

Improvement – use different font, more colour to make the site more vibrant.

These ladies are such good friends and have so much experience. Therefore, I really value their opinion. Who knew I would make such connections online

Also after attending a personal branding event  I started looking a little bit more  on searching for my self on-line to see what results would come up. It’s a really important step towards owning your brand. Nowadays employers and prospective clients look you up online before doing anything business-related. It’s important to be mindful about what you put out there.

This leads to my next point.

Upgrading the blog – in the next couple of days I will be upgrading the blog. Looking more closely at one can be improved. Choosing the right theme can be so time-consuming. So by the end of the month I may have something to show for. Let’s aim for that.

So things are starting to make sense to me and I am realizing the things which are most important. Balance is greatly needed especially with so many new tasks and idea it’s difficult to maintain focus


As I am slowly making my way through my career-transition I’ve decided to freelance and registered to become self employed. I am starting to see a pattern. My social media experience has pretty much provided me with 6 month of experience and a new path towards employment. It’s pretty much carving its own journey for me. The most important question now, is ? Do I need a part-time job or can I turn this new skill in a way to earn an income?

Can you help? Do you have any on-line business experience or know how to  on leverage and income through writing, blogging or social media? If so your input would be highly considered.

I know YOu!

I know you

I know! You  are all curious for me to tell you what happened at our last “Tell it like it is!” event Tuesday night and the good thing here is a little peak preview.

More than I bargained for

” I know You!!!!!”

is what one of the storytellers said to me yesterday at Tell it like it is! Storytelling. I almost fainted.

My response was

” What really !”

I couldn’t remember this dude’s face or where I met him. He looked familiar but I was hoping it wasn’t one of my ex-boyfriends. So I doubted him. I thought maybe he meant that he saw me before. A lot of people say they know me.

“No, I know you!!” he insisted and said with such conviction.

“you use to come to the job centre and back in 2000 and you sat me down and told me an analogy about red cars and what happens when you really seek something. It was London Bridge Job centre. I saw my whole world tumbling down

Then he says to his wife who is next to him.

“babes you remember when I left uni and I was without unemployed and signing-on at London Bridge”

And I knew he was right that was me ten years ago in a jobcentre where I use to go in and make regular one-to-one appointments for clients who were interested in receiving Mentoring/coaching session on how to find work.

I was amazed I made a different in this man’s life and he had remembered me  after a decade but I couldn’t remember him. What a difference ten years make. I now recalled his face and a glimpse of speaking to him.

I actually thought it was going to be much worse. I had a combination of strong butterflies as extreme terror. Is this candid camera? Because if it is I am definitely caught?

I was still in shock and couldn’t stop laughing it was a moment unheard of.

The theme for the night was “What You Think is not What you think?”

Fantastic speakers

Africafashionguide book

Jacqui Shaw – A designer on the road to discovery – wondering if fashion was the right choice for her coming to terms with what she wanted to do. She now has a superb Launch for her book called Africafashionguide.

Rachel Johnson- How cancer and not wanting to go back to her job made her start her own Business. A very brave young woman and mother of two. If you’d met her you’d never thought she’d be here smiling, and telling us something so personal. A real diamond!

Mathy aka Me – I quit, I traveled, I conquered

How my trip to Japan made me quit my job, work at Starbucks, lose my mother, sleep on the floor,injure my leg but travel anyway.

And finally but not least

Malachi Talabi – interruption may be your reconstruction

Malachi in action
Malachi in action

Watch this space cause the video will be out soon.

Stories are powerful to the point where one young man remembered me 10 years ago at the London Bridge Jobcentre. So despite the rain, it was a successful event and I am still laughing listening to the sound of Malachi sharpening pencils and encouraging children.

What’s your career-transition story?


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