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What will it be? Visual Artist, Boy-band,Businessman?

Name- Inua Ellams

Job Description – Word and Graphic Artist


Back in september I met this young vibrant young man by the name of Inua Ellams.

This amazing encounter with 26-year-old man, left me asking myself and wondering a lot of questions. How does a young man develop so much zeal and entrepreneurial mind?

If you asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up he’d say being in a “boy band“. He even had a group name at one point “3 Shades of Black”. consisting of him and his two friends.

But he also wanted to be a business man- architect and visual artist.  How he ended up  a word and graphic artist seemed pure luck. Since he couldn’t afford to go to University and he started writing in order to be more creative with his hands.

The most impressive thing is that he began his self-employment at age 19  and has never had the need to”find a job” again.

Note to self. Now, if only  I had done that earlier.

I originally chose him because he is an amazing storyteller.I discovered him by chance at  a poetry night at which I had attended  upon subsequent events and currently receive his newsletter.

But during our interview I slowly realised that this unassuming young man had seriously hidden depth.

There was so much insight in what he had to say and so much wisdom in what he knew. I got some serious inspiration.

Audio for Inua………….will be uploaded  here soon….

Inua can be found here  and here and also on twitter

About Mathy 'Whathejobisthis' Lisika-Minsende

5 months ago I came to a crossroad when I realized I was going to loose my job, because of my love for writing I decided to blog. It was just a great way to document what I was experiencing and "what I was going to do with myself once my Job came to an end". I was also copping with the fact that my dad had cancer and that he was in his terminal stages. So after 11 years of working in Employability, helping people to build better skills to find work and transition into new employment, I want to talk about it share some of those stories with you and no longer being confined to a 9-5.

2 Responses »

  1. Love it – great start to the you tube video too


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