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Tag Archives: acceptance- unemployment- resources- complacent- procrastination- growth

The Dip- Are you in one?

Image source wikimedia

Help I think I’m in one!

So I’ve been reading this book by Seth Godin ” The Dip” and just noticed how my motivation has gone from high to low. The week didn’t start out as good as I wanted it.  So you’ll  probably have never heard me speak in this manner but I’ am experiencing my “DIP”.

The DIP -

usually what happens after you made a big decision about something you’ve decided to do and you hit your first crisis or a number of them.

Please take a look at some examples of dip that could happen to you.Image source

What did my DIP consist of

  • A really lousy weekend low motivation to do any work

  • Mon- though I had a plan, I didn’t stick to it

  • Didn’t put a blog post

  • I focussed way too much on other people’s projects than my own- I know I told myself I would help other people in order to build my skills and learn something in return but I gave too much.

  • Tues-  Spent almost two hours arguing with Talk- Talk about huge phone charges.  Missed  my 2pm appointment with the food bank . Still, no time to blog, write or make calls

  • The bank charges me for late fee

  • Wed- focused on other people’s project’s once more. Attending a fundraising meeting for a charity I support.

  • 1 hour 30 min arguing with the bank about late charges

  • Stay calm, it can only get better

  • Where are your priorities Mathy!!!

  • My Klout is going down

  • Thur- the job centre made my day. Losing all my paper work, delaying payments and making me miss an interview. I will kill them!!!!

  • I still haven’t changed my theme , blogged………….

  • My hair is drying , I feel like I am pulling it out slowly

I am now asking myself” is this a result of the dip or is it  bad planning? I had all this high energy last week and  now I am re-assessing how much do I want to turn my ideas into a reality.

In the midst of it all something real positive stuff happened.  I did a guest blog on TheEmployable website.Yeah!! And their migth be a job offer starting next week.

Most people when faced with a challenge QUIT. But the DIP teaches you not to quit your projects, or dream. But it may reveal what’s worth quitting in a healthy way.

Please read The DIP!!!!!!!!

And for some reason everyone  around me was talking about the DIP in my creative group. On Tuesday night, one guy (from my creative group) said

“what would life mean if you didn’t have this project  with or without a job?

Wouldn’t it just make work boring and meaningless?

“This gives me a sense of purpose. So quitting is not an option. “He says

Maybe I need to reassess my time-management!?


How do I accept my in-between job phase? Should I welcome it, should I roll in it(like mud and just get dirty), or should I eat it one chunk at a time the way I deal with most tricky situation. I say that cause lately growing in finding myself and not having enough resources has been major trouble.

Don’t get me wrong I look for work and job opportunities where the opportunity fits but I get real frustrated like most in-betweeners. No I’m not going to call myself unemployed as it comes with a stigma, certain feelings and an overwhelming sense of failure. No-one will force me to use the U-word.  After-all how many unemployed person do you know who is striving to try as many ideas as I am.

I believe your words define you and clearly I want to be defined and known as an agent of change. Someone that makes a different despite not being able to have the resources. But doing with what I have.  Maybe

Speaking of resources 

I have been fighting the need to be complacent and procrastinate, by putting off any opportunity to blog since I would like to blog regularly but I have a very limited PC. I desperately need to get a laptop which will allow me to leave the house not only regularly but allow me to explore other outside activities without killing myself. At the moment, a lot of discipline is required for me to do most of my operations from home.

The rate at which my progress is happening and the rate at which I am updating my post is completely off-track. The need to update my blog and the finances needed to transform it into what I see in my head is off the record. You can’t imagine how much it frustrates me. I know I’m a perfectionist and most time that is what I seek. It puts me back to re-thinking ” keep it simple stupid” and that is what I am compelled to do. Which proves me once more that I can live beyond my means and the things I believe I need.

This brings me to my conclusion

With growth comes a certain discomfort I could really do with some suggestions. How could I raise money to?

  • Buy a  netbook

  • Camcorder

  • and find people to help with in the layout

  • And people to help with production material

I need……… You! The reader to assist me


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