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Start on a positive note

Image from Word


I was reading Word fan page on Facebook and came across this note. Pretty true that if you enjoy what you have now this helps you to maintain focus on the things you want. Are you making the time to enjoy all you have? If you have a positive quote for today send me one. I’d love to share it.

About Mathy 'Whathejobisthis' Lisika-Minsende

5 months ago I came to a crossroad when I realized I was going to loose my job, because of my love for writing I decided to blog. It was just a great way to document what I was experiencing and "what I was going to do with myself once my Job came to an end". I was also copping with the fact that my dad had cancer and that he was in his terminal stages. So after 11 years of working in Employability, helping people to build better skills to find work and transition into new employment, I want to talk about it share some of those stories with you and no longer being confined to a 9-5.

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