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Tag Archives: Jobloss could be an opportunity

Not listening to your health could break you – Transition

Janine ripper of name is Janine, I’m 34 and I’ve spent most of my life feeling lost.  I hold a Bachelors degree in Communications and after years of searching, traveling and searching for…something…I became a Project Manager. That was over 7 years ago, and it certainly hasn’t been dull.  I’ve had some amazing career highlights, such as winning an award for excelling in Project Management and being sent to Hawaii! Unfortunately the job destroyed me and I found myself grappling with depression (of which I had on and off for 18 years). So not long after getting back from Hawaii I started hunting for a new job – any job. I had to get out before the job and the place killed me.In desperation I took the first job offered – as a Project Support Officer (PSO).  Unknowingly I found myself in a place entrenched in bullying and workplace psychopaths.  Luckily for me a good friend had convinced me to join a 6 Young Women’s Leadership Programduring that time, whereby my eyes started to open and I rediscovered my love for writing and faith in people, and I started blogging.I stayed in the PSO position for 1 1/2 years and unfortunately found myself back in my old position – I was so drained and desperate to get out of the job that I ended up again taking the first job I was offered – another PSO position in a place where I became more like a slave – to more than the job.

I was actually really successful here, gaining a promotion to Portfolio Analyst, which I thought is what I wanted, but 7 months later I woke up to the realisation that I was mentally and physically exhausted and that I was even more of a shell of a woman then I was before – although now I knew what I wanted – to write and I wanted to help people by sharing my stories. I didn’t want to suffer for a job anymore. And so I did what I had never done before…I quit without a job to go to.

Which brings me to today.  After a month off in between jobs, and some soul-searching, I have taken up a part-time PSO position in a smaller organisation to bring in some cash as I focus on all things me: health, happiness and wellbeing – which includes writing, designing ebooks and helping others.  It’s going well as I now have my very first paying client, with many more opportunities to come.

Janine Ripper-writes for
and emergen

The Gift of Job Loss

Michael Froehls incredible new book

Why taking time-out works!

Well hello there!! I’m sorry for keeping you out of the limelight. I’m trying to keep up to date with everyone including myself. From Weddings, to business events, to radio interviews I feel like I have now achieved the status of Networking-Queen!! AHA! It’s hard being this glamorous.

But blogging is on my mind 24-7 and thinking of you this week, I came across this book by Michael Froehls called “The Gift of Jobloss” which I think would be a great share.

Why taking time out is good?

I asked myself this question this week and realised it’s a necessity. It is very unhealthy to jump from one job to another especially in a time of crisis without time for personal reflection. Whatever the situation is, living in the now (in the moment )is so important. For a nation that mainly lives on automatic and the stimulation of instant gratification we fail to see a door or window of opportunity when it presents itself so clearly. So Micheal takes us through tips from his own personal experience. He’s more of a doer than a talker having lost his job himself he is the ideal success story.

Jobloss could be an opportunity” to do all the things you’ve never had time for while being employed. Why not do a few things that really matter to you before continuing your hard 30- to 40-year-long working life? Why not realize some lifelong travel dreams, improve your health, invest in your family and friends, fire up your love life, acquire new job skills, or check out a different location for a better career?” Michael Froehls

You might feel pressured by the idea of figuring out how to pay your rent, paying your bills, loosing your habitual lifestyle and what everyone else is saying. But do you really need to give yourself another opportunity to make your current situation worse than it already is, making a rational decisions. You can obtain an e-copy for $2.99 that’s about 1 quid on Amazon Amazon

So can being jobless be a gift or a nightmare?


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